Saturday, February 12, 2011

how to use pendrive as a ram full tutorials

first of all i am not responsible if any damage happens to you or to your computer or what ever your assesories LoL this is formalities but lets go

1.) Plug your flash drive into one of the USB ports. Make sure you have no important files saved to the flash drive. The higher the memory on the flash drive, the more RAM you can add to you computer, however, certain computers can only use so much.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

pc running slow or u think that your system is infected or gotta virus? read and share full articals by

Is your computer running running slow or do you think you are infected? If yes than this thread is for you!

First you must learn to differentiate between an infection and just general computer slowness.

Friday, February 4, 2011

welcome ipv6

the Internet has run out of
Internet addresses ¡­ sort of.
Perhaps you¡¯ve heard the news:
the last blocks of IPv4 Internet
addresses have been allocated.
The fundamental underlying
technology that has powered
Internet Protocol addresses
(ever seen a number like on the web? That ¡¯s
an IP address) since the
Internet ¡¯s inception will soon be
A new technology will take its place,
though. IPv4 ¡äs successor is IPv6, a
system that will not only offer far
more numerical addresses, but will
simplify address assignments and
additional network security
The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is
likely to be rough, though. Most
people are unfamiliar with IPv4 and
IPv6, much less the potential impact
the switch to IPv6 may have on their
That¡¯s why we¡¯ve compiled this short
guide to IPv4 and the eventual
transition to IPv6. We explain the
two versions of IP and why they
matter. We also go into detail on what
you can expect in the next few years
as billions of websites, businesses and
individuals make the switch to the
new era of the Internet.

IPv4 & IPv6 Q&A

Q: What is IPv4?
A: IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol
version 4. It is the underlying
technology that makes it possible for
us to connect our devices to the web.
Whenever a device access the Internet
(whether it ¡¯s a PC, Mac, smartphone
or other device), it is assigned a
unique, numerical IP address such as To send data from one
computer to another through the web, a
data packet must be transferred
across the network containing the IP
addresses of both devices.
Without IP addresses, computers
would not be able to communicate and
send data to each other. It ¡¯s essential
to the infrastructure of the web.

Q: What is IPv6?
A: IPv6 is the sixth revision to the
Internet Protocol and the successor to
IPv4. It functions similarly to IPv4
in that it provides the unique,
numerical IP addresses necessary for
Internet-enabled devices to
communicate. However, it does sport
one major difference: it utilizes 128-
bit addresses. I ¡¯ll explain why this is
important in a moment.

Q: Why are we running out of IPv4
A: IPv4 uses 32 bits for its Internet
addresses. That means it can support
2^32 IP addresses in total ¡ª around
4.29 billion. That may seem like a lot,
but all 4.29 billion IP addresses have
now been assigned to various
institutions, leading to the crisis we
face today.
Let¡¯s be clear, though: we haven¡¯t run
out of addresses quite yet. Many of
them are unused and in the hands of
institutions like MIT and companies
like Ford and IBM. More IPv4
addresses are available to be assigned
and more will be traded or sold
(since IPv4 addresses are now a scarce
resource), but they will become a
scarcer commodity over the next two
years until it creates problem for the

Q: How does IPv6 solve this problem?
A: As previously stated, IPv6 utilizes
128-bit Internet addresses. Therefore,
it can support 2^128 Internet
addresses ¡ª
of them to be exact. That ¡¯s a lot of
addresses, so many that it requires a
hexadecimal system to display the
addresses. In other words, there are
more than enough IPv6 addresses to
keep the Internet operational for a
very, very long time.

Q: So why don¡¯t we just switch?
A: The depletion of IPv4 addresses
was predicted years ago, so the switch
has been in progress for the last
decade. However, progress has been
slow ¡ª only a small fraction of the
web has switched over to the new
protocol. In addition, IPv4 and IPv6
essentially run as parallel networks
¡ª exchanging data between these
protocols requires special gateways.
To make the switch, software and
routers will have to be changed to
support the more advanced network.
This will take time and money. The
first real test of the IPv6 network
will come on June 8, 2011, World
IPv6 Day. Google, Facebook and other
prominent web companies will test
drive the IPv6 network to see what it
can handle and what still needs to be
done to get the world switched over to
the new network.

Q: How will this affect me?
A: Initially, it won¡¯t have a major
impact on your life. Most operating
systems actually support IPv6,
including Mac OS X 10.2 and
Windows XP SP 1. However, many
routers and servers don ¡¯t support it,
making a connection between a device
with an IPv6 address to a router or
server that only supports IPv4
impossible. IPv6 is also still in its
infancy; it has a lot of bugs and
security issues that still need to be
fixed, which could result in one
giant mess.
Nobody¡¯s sure how much the
transition will cost or how long it
will take, but it has to be done in
order for the web to function as it
does today

Monday, January 31, 2011

use netstat to find keyloggers and Rats

I havent seen anything cover this before (at least not this way of using netstat) and sometimes people want to know if they are infected by a RAT or something. This mini tutorial should help you out a little bit Smile

PART 1 - Preparing Task Manager

Open Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del). Go to the processes column and click View > Select Columns.

[Image: 10078053.png]

Check the top one (PID (Process Identifier))

[Image: 95940603.png]

Now, organize Task Manager by PID. This will make things easier to read for the next step.

[Image: 25585407.png]

PART 2 - Using Netstat to see Established Connections

Now you want to go into Start > Run > cmd > "netstat -ano". It should look similar to the picture below:

[Image: 81215086.png]

Only look for ESTABLISHED connections (it would be established if its a RAT or malicious), read the PID and crosscheck into Task Manager. Notice in my example that the only established connections use the PID 424. Lets take a look at what that is:

[Image: 30170121.png]

As we can see, its Firefox. Now lets say you notice the PID reads something like "svchost.exe". You should open the file location by right clicking it and pressing Open File Location and either scan it with Virustotal or check to see if in its legit location (if it was in Appdata or Program Files and it is svchost.exe, then you may have a problem).

Hope this helped some of you out and good luck :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Facebook is now allowing third-
party apps access to your phone number and address, they
mentioned on their developers'blog. They said they will now be
making this information accessible as part of the User Graph project. What this means is third party applications like
'Farmville' and 'Stalker' will now
be able to access your address and phone number. The way
around this, don't use the app.
Or don't put your phone number and address up if you
do use the app.

Facebook says that because this is sensitive information to give out, users agree to give
permission to the apps to access their phone number and
address when they first add the application. However, users are most likely going to miss the
words phone number and address in their scurry to get the applications.
Thankfully, only you have control of your contact information
being shared via Facebook. Your friends' careless sharing actions will not release your contact information out to these app
We're expecting a big hoo-ha about this but what it comes
down to is simple. Don't put any information up on Facebook you're not even in the slightest
bit comfortable getting around.
If Facebook apps are the only way you entertain yourself (I
mean, come on!), but you don't want the makers of these
applications to have your information (consider that you're also using these applications for free and developers are businessmen too), just don't put sensitive
information up on your profile.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


images3 150x147 How to Hide Friends List in FacebookFacebook is constantly making efforts to improve it’s users privacy. Recently Facbeook has taken another step and introduced a privacy feature which can hide your friend list in Facebook
Earlier their was no proper way to hide friends list in Facebook, but now it’s possible

How to Hide Your Friends List in Facebook

Follow the steps below to hide your friend list in Facebook:
1.First of all Log into your Facebook account
Unblock How to Hide Friends List in Facebook
2.Go to Account > Privacy Settings from any Facebook page
3.Now on that Page you will see ‘Connecting on Facebook’, click on View Settings under it
4.From the options, choose ‘Custom’ and make its visibility to “Only Me’. That should hide your friends from everyone
facebook hide friends 4 500x294 How to Hide Friends List in Facebook
5.And you are done

Saturday, January 15, 2011

13 steps after installing ubuntu..

#1 - Add medibuntu repositorium:

Enter command in the terminal(all on one line!): sudo wget --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list

Enter command in the terminal(all on one line!): sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update

#2 - Updating Ubuntu

sudo apt-get update (downloads list of updates)
sudo apt-get upgrade (downloads & installs updates)

#3 - Make it so that bootloader won't wait 3 seconds:
- command in the terminal:
sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
- change to timeout:0 and save
ps. You can still get to grub menu by pressing esc repeatedly

#4 - Installing the Tahoma font (enter the following commands copy&paste line by line):

cd ~
sudo unzip -d /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts ~/
sudo fc-cache -f -v
rm -f ~/

#5 - Install useful packs in synaptic (or in the terminal: sudo apt-get installpackage name)

- codecs:
w32codecs (for 64 bit sytems w64codecs)

why CHROME os may fail?

Will it fail like wave or succeed like chrome?

This is just my opinion about Google’s Chrome OS. There are few reasons which can make chrome OS less impressive. 

Why Chrome OS may fail?

1. Web, Web and web.
Chrome OS is entirely based on web stuff. Though the web has evolved into something unimaginable from what it was few years back, it still has its own problem: The Bandwidth. Not all of us have high-speed broadband connections with unlimited usage. Just think of it : A song weighs 5 MB and you download it every time you want to listen it. Think about Web-designing, Video editing, audio editing etc. Even if there is a web-based solution for these, How effective will it be?

2. Cloud computing.
Chrome OS stores all your data on the cloud (i.e. servers run by Google and other companies). Yes, you can access your data anywhere. However you give them your private stuff, that you would store in your ‘personal’ computer’s hard drive, to them. No, I am not trying to tell that Cloud computing is evil but I am trying to tell that everything cant be stored online. Cloud cannot substitute local storage, it can only complement it.

3. Competition from home.
Chrome OS has a greater enemy: The Android. Android is also developed by Google, is opensource and uses Linux kernel. If you haven’t seen yet, Check the video below.

You will find that it has everything but a pointer. This means that Chrome OS is knocked out from the future. Android is relatively a better “Linux distro” for it is developed from the scratch while Chrome OS is ubuntu based. They tell that Chrome OS is for personal computers, but what is ‘personal computing’ when there is no local storage? Everybody loves better UI and Android has it. Moreover, the name is unique unlike Chrome OS which borrowed its name from Chrome web-browser.
These are the reasons why I don’t find it impressive. Anyway.. I cannot guess about google’s Marketing strategies. 

Why is Chrome OS still a milestone?
It has brought developers towards Linux and the web. Chrome OS caused the revolution that everything is possible with the web. Chrome web-store made web applications available in just a click. It revealed the POWER OF LINUX and opensource. Therefore Chrome OS stands to be a milestone irrespective of its success or failure. Yet Android impresses me.
I will try ANDROID in near future. However I might not try Chrome OS.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


PALO ALTO, CA –Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook will be shut down in March. Managing the site has become too stressful.
“Facebook has gotten out of control,” said Zuckerberg in a press conference outside his Palo Alto office, “and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life. I need to put an end to all the madness.”
Zuckerberg went on to explain that starting March 15th, users will no longer be able to access their Facebook accounts.
“After March 15th the whole website shuts down,” said Avrat Humarthi, Vice President of Technical Affairs at Facebook. “So if you ever want to see your pictures again, I recommend you take them off the internet. You won’t be able to get them back once Facebook goes out of business.”
Zuckerberg said that the decision to shut down Facebook was difficult, but that he does not think people will be upset.
“I personally don’t think it’s a big deal,” he said in a private phone interview. “And to be honest, I think it’s for the better. Without Facebook, people will have to go outside and make real friends. That’s always a good thing.”
Some Facebook users were furious upon hearing the shocking news.
“What am I going to do without Facebook?” said Denise Bradshaw, a high school student from Indiana. “My life revolves around it. I’m on Facebook at least 10 hours a day. Now what am I going to do with all that free time?”
However, parents across the country have been experiencing a long anticipated sense of relief.
“I’m glad the Facebook nightmare is over,” said Jon Guttari, a single parent from Detroit. “Now my teenager’s face won’t be glued to a computer screen all day. Maybe I can even have a conversation with her.”
Those in the financial circuit are criticizing Zuckerberg for walking away from a multibillion dollar franchise. Facebook is currently ranked as one of the wealthiest businesses in the world, with economists estimating its value at around 7.9 billion.
But Zuckerberg remains unruffled by these accusations. He says he will stand by his decision to give Facebook the axe.
“I don’t care about the money,” said Zuckerberg. “I just want my old life back.”
The Facebook Corporation suggests that users remove all of their personal information from the website before March 15th. After that date, all photos, notes, links, and videos will be permanently erased.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Protection agaisnst Keylogger in Firefox

If you are using Firefox then there is an absolutely cool firefox addon which encrypts your keystrokesat the kernel driver level to protect your information from keyloggers.

How Keyscrambler works.                       
When you type on your keyboard, the keys travel along a path within the operating system before it arrives at your browser. Keyloggers plant themselves along this path and observe and record your keystrokes. The collected information is then sent to the criminals who will use it to steal from you.

This Firefox Anti Keylogger addon defeats keyloggers by encrypting your keystrokes at the keyboard driver level, deep within the operating system. When the encrypted keystrokes reach your browser, KeyScrambler then decrypts them so you see exactly the keys you've typed. Keyloggers can only record the encrypted keys, which are completely indecipherable.

KeyScrambler Personal  [Works for Firefox/Flock/I.E]

Sunday, January 2, 2011

top 10 tips for blogger newbies...

There is no point is starting a blog blindly and drain your precious time for nothing. It's better to learn about the requirements and preparations for blogging. It's always good to know where you are going instead of just going somewhere, where you get nothing.

The worst part is getting stuck where you might ask yourself that you have spent so much of quality time on your blog but still nothing seems to be happening. Well you can't blame the blogging profession for this. If you think you have been failing in blogging till now or you are new to blogging and don't want to face these situations then it's better to research and get to know about blogging. I know this can be a bit of time consuming but trust me with all that knowledge with you before starting a blog, you can do wonders.

Top 10 things to know before starting blogging:

1. Know your niche: Make sure before starting your blog you know what you will be writing for. Don't just write for anything or any topic that you find on internet. Create your own identity by writing for something unique that people will like to read and also will think of coming back to your blog. Give your blog it's own identity by making it something special.

2. Who you are writing for?: Make sure you know your audience you are writing for. Keep in mind before writing that what kind of people would be interesting in reading your articles. Also design your blog in the way that it suites your audience and they don't fell awkward while following your blog.

3. Be a Brand: Make yourself and your blog a brand on internet. Promote your blog like a brand not just any other product, promote its unique niche. Tell people about your blog and tell them why they should visit your blog.

4. Networking: Create a network with other bloggers. Share news and information about blogging with other bloggers. Ask them to review your blog, this way you will come to know about weaknesses and strengths of your blog and this will only help you improve your blog.

5. Being Visible: Take part in communities and forum sites. Answer questions and queries of other people and also don't forget to tell them about your blog by dropping a link along with a suggestion. This will help you improve the popularity of your blog amongst the community members.

6. Keep your blog busy: Don't forget to update your blog. Always try to provide something new to your visitors so they would expect something new next time. By not updating your blog you will be only making an impression of a static website.

7. Keep yourself updated: There is something new coming up everyday for bloggers. So, make sure that you are aware of what's coming up and according to that you are willing to make those changes. Also the fact it's good to have the information about the latest tools for bloggers, these tools always help to make the life easier for the bloggers.

8. Willing to take Risks: Beginners in blogging are quite often afraid of trying new things in their blog. There are so many tools an widgets to improve your blog and increase the visibility of your blog in search engines. Don't be afraid of trying new features for your blog. New features are only developed to make the life easier for bloggers, so, try to step forward and try those new features.

9. Always be yourself: When you are writing for your blog try to be your self instead of impersonating someone Else's personality in your blog. Create your own personality with your writing and communicating with your loyal visitors. Don't think of blog as only a source of news but take is as a medium of communication with the readers of your blog. Build a relation with your readers of your blog with your personality and putting that personality in your writing.

10. Asking for Help: Blogging is a very vast ocean of knowledge, even when you know a lot there is so much more to learn as new things keep coming up every day. Even the experienced of bloggers cannot run the whole blogging system on their own they have to be a part of the blogging community and the social media community. Don't be afraid or shy of asking for help from other bloggers of the community and vice versa. Success in blogging relies on networking. So, always remember to help others so they will love helping you.

Hope you will like this post of mine. Show your gratitude by commenting and tell me about your views or whatever it is. I'm always keen to meet new people.